M104 -The Sombrero Galaxy

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    Chrono Film
    Chrono DSLR

  • RA: 12:40.0
  • Dec: -11:37
  • Magnitude: 8.0
  • Distance: 50,000,000 ly
  • Constellation: Virgo
  • Scope: 8" SCT at f/10
  • Autoguider: ST-4
  • Sky conditions:  Average seeing and transparency
  • Camera: Hutech modified Canon 300D ISO1600
  • Exposure:  6 x 10 minutes
  • Date:  4/20/2007
Comments:  This brilliant galaxy was named the Sombrero Galaxy because of its appearance. The framing is not good because of difficulties locating a suitable guide star. I decided to present the image as it was recorded instead of showing only a piece of the frame. I also liked the stars on the right side.