
New Images
    Chrono Film
    Chrono DSLR

  • RA: 18:24.5
  • Dec:  -24:52
  • Magnitude: 6.8
  • Size: 11.2 arc min
  • Distance: 18,300 ly
  • Constellation:  Sagittarius
  • Scope: 8" SCT at f/10
  • Autoguider: ST-4 faint mode
  • Sky conditions:  Very good seeing and transparency.
  • Film: Kodak Supra 400
  • Exposure: 15 minutes
  • Date:  July 9, 2005

Comments:  The night was quite nice with a low of about 60.  Most of the earlier part of the night the kids at the nearby farmhouse were playing volleyball under a couple big mercury vapor lights.  They finally called it quits at about 0130!  I decided to try some of the low southern clusters.  The original goal was to shoot for 30 minutes, but M28 was very low in the sky and the exposure was cut short by the roof of the trailer I was setup behind.   The color balance of the shot was affected by its position so low in the sky.  I will have to try for a longer exposure at another time.