NGC 6992 - Eastern Arc of the Veil Nebula

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    Chrono Film
    Chrono DSLR

  • RA: 20:51.0
  • Dec:  +30:40
  • Magnitude: 5.0
  • Size: 230 x 160 arc min
  • Distance: 2,600 ly
  • Constellation:  Cygnus
  • Scope: 8" SCT at f/10
  • Autoguider: ST-4 faint mode
  • Sky conditions:   Generally Good seeing and transparency.
  • Film: Kodak Supra 400
  • Exposure: 4 x 60 minutes
  • Date:  August 21, September 9, 12, and 20, 2004

Comments:  This picture is a composite of four images shot on four different nights this summer.  NGC6992 is the eastern arc of a system known as the Veil Nebula.  The nebula is also known as the Cygnus Supernova Remnant and Cygnus Loop.  Other parts have the designations NGC6960, 6979, and 6995.  In total, the Veil Nebula is six times the diameter of the full moon.  Despite its overall brightness of about magnitude 5, this object is only visible to the naked eye under exceptionally good viewing conditions because its light is distributed over the object's large size.  A single one hour exposure on Supra 400 shows very little of the structure visible in this image.